Expected on October 25, the EU Medicines Agency (EMA) will announce the outcome of its review of the Moderna booster vaccine. A review of the Covid 19 drug molnupiravir is also pending.
Emergency approval requested
The agency made the announcement Thursday. Currently, only the Biontech/Pfizer vaccine has a booster vaccine recommendation in the EU. At the same time, the rolling review of Merck’s (MSD in Europe) drug Molnupiravir is scheduled to start next week. The antiviral would be the first tablet against Covid-19.
Tablet against Covid-19: Molnupiravir in Rolling Review.
“Molnupiravir showed a significant reduction in the risk of hospitalization and death in the phase III study in Covid-19 patients,” MedUni Vienna infectiologist Florian Thalhammer explained to APA on Thursday. “Moreover, the efficacy of molnupiravir was unchanged by viral variants (gamma, delta, mu).”
“Thus, molnupiravir could not only lead to a reduction in the burden of disease for individuals, but also have major, positive health policy consequences, in terms of a reduction in the utilization of intensive care units and hospitals,” the president of the Austrian Society for Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine (OEGIT) stressed. “The economy could also be significantly relieved by a much shorter segregation period of Covid-19 sufferers,” the university professor noted.
- source: vienna.at/picture:pixabay.com
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